Coronavirus Measures at Trevor Lane Podiatry

We hope that you and your family are staying well through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The situation is changing so rapidly that we have created this webpage to keep you updated on the latest arrangements at our clinic to contain the spread of coronavirus.

At this stage, Trevor Lane Podiatry remains OPEN, however with some new measures in place.

The health and wellbeing of our patients and staff is of the utmost importance, so below we have outlined the changes we have implemented.


Although we have always been vigilant when it comes to handwashing and hygiene, we have stepped up our activities to include:

  • wiping down of the waiting room chairs, treatment benches, reception counter and front door handle after each patient.
  • If you are member of a private health fund, we ask your permission to lodge the Hicaps claim on your behalf.
  • We encourage our patients to use tap to pay. If a PIN is required, we wipe the terminal after each use.

Social Distancing

To comply with social distancing regulations, we are aiming to have only one visitor in our clinic at any one time.

Only the patient is to enter the premises (minors may be accompanied by one parent/carer). We ask that other family members or carers please wait outside or in the car. If the patient needs assistance to leave the clinic, we will let you know when they are ready to leave.

Bookings and Appointments

When you phone for an appointment: You will be advised about our new social distancing rules, and asked a few questions such as:

  • have you recently travelled overseas;
  • are you displaying any cold or flu like symptoms.

If the information you provide indicates that your visit may place others at risk, please do not be offended if we cannot proceed with the booking.

When you book online: A staff member will call you to ask the same questions. Depending on your responses, your booking may be postponed for at least 14 days.

When You Arrive

Upon arriving at our practice, you will notice a few things immediately such as:

  • Posters and other public health information to raise awareness of the importance of hand washing etc to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
  • Most chairs removed from the waiting room, with a couple added out on the balcony to comply with social distancing regulations.
  • We have also removed the bell and pens from the front counter.

Please Respect our Schedule

We ask for your assistance and understanding particularly with regards to keeping to scheduled appointment times.

If you are late for your appointment, we will ask you to reschedule as there will not be sufficient time to treat you and ensure thorough cleaning takes place before the next patient arrives.

While many of our patients visit so frequently they feel like friends, we regret that we are unable to enjoy social chats at this time. If you do have any other concerns, we will help you to make another appointment.

Rules for Staff

Please be assured that:

  • All our staff practise social distancing in their time away from work as much as they can.
  • When a staff member feels unwell they are not allowed to come to work. This also applies if one of their family members at home has flu like symptoms – we ask that they not return to work until they have consulted their doctor to rule out COVID-19.

We do apologise for any inconvenience, but want you to know that we are taking this threat to our community’s health and safety extremely seriously. We will continue to monitor the situation and update our procedures and this webpage as required.

Trevor Lane, 26 March 2020.